A POST (Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment) form is a provider signed form which communicates and implements patient preferences for end-of-life treatment, and is transferable across treatment settings. It is intended that the form be completed only after advance care planning discussions between a patient and their physician or trained POST Advance Care Planning Facilitator (ACPF). It is appropriate to complete a POST form with people who are either terminally ill or are seriously ill with chronic, progressive disease.
Virginia has a uniform POST form that is recognized by the Virginia Department of Health and endorsed by the Medical Society of Virginia. Part A of the Virginia POST form is considered a Durable DNR order by the Code of Virginia (12 VC5-66-10).
Procedure in absence of an advance directive; procedure for advance directive without agent; no presumption; persons who may authorize health care for patients incapable of informed decisions.
Laura Pole, Palliative Care Consultant, POST In Action
Dr. Diane Meier, Defining Palliative Care
The End of Life Care Debate – Dr. Atul Gawande